New York Resilient a project by Carolyn Dunn

-Capturing the resilience of New Yorkers during social distancing-

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New York City is at the center of a war with an invisible enemy, and the responsibility to fight has fallen upon every resident. Whether through isolation or essential work, all of our lives depend upon each other’s actions. New Yorkers have made immense sacrifices, and it is my goal as a photographer to capture their faces and stories. Documentary photography has long been a crucial part of the effort to create a historical record, and the faces of ordinary New Yorkers in the COVID-19 pandemic epicenter should be a part of this record

Resilience is the ability to adapt despite enormous challenges and come back stronger. We are resilient when we smile at the camera, ride a bike, kiss our loved ones, and hug our children. Even with masks we are human, and every one of us is showing our resilience in our own ways.