How can we take our time? There is so much to do. Lately, my days seem to overflow. All with positivity, progression, and of course, doubt. As I grow, I can’t help but think where I haven’t grown. I still eat poorly. I still deny some of my own faults. And still, I have a hard time dealing with society. I hate having to question if a better future is realistic. It should be required. And as legends pass, I again am reminded of my responsibility in this revolution. Fred Hampton’s words ring in my ears. All eyes on me.
Now, though I am surrounded by curiosity, and there is room for mistakes, I still don’t wanna make them. I do, sometimes hold myself back. And that’s why, though I strive for greatness in the present, I have to be content with the fact that my time isn’t now. One foot in front of the other I am reaching for my freedom. Creation and curiosity are the ways I’ll change the world I live in. All eyes on me.
Who we take care of is a reflection of what we desire to learn. Experience in the foreign reminds the individual that there is a world beyond themselves. Though empathy has to be aspired, there are moments of greed that extract our noble youth. What if we were all to have one singular bond of humanity, one that could never be broken? Oh what I dream, but completely unrealistic? If so, what else should we live for? What if we can change the world? All eyes on me.
Take my hand. One by one we expand the horizon. Youth comes with endless connection. The craving to touch, the craving for friendship. We as a unit provide elements for this world. We shine so that this earth can be seen. Endless. Endless. Endless opportunity for diverse community and conversation. We hold hands as we wander in our dreams, but we never give up. That is a revolution. The vaccine we need to heal the disease called power is hard to find because there’s is no cure to greed. We apply bandaids to lacerations. Once again, ignoring science. Some things we can’t fix with hope. I don’t rely on the untold truth. We can’t rush like the oppressors, we must hold reflection in the power of intention. We care not to be reckless, we don’t hold power in hurting others. Everyone’s happiness and love is on our agenda. All eyes on me.
Your mind matters, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. They forget we internalize differently, they will never know how our minds process. Your truth is loud and clear, but people don’t always hear you. Stay close to home when you feel lonely, everyone needs a crutch. We all need more than we have, but that is the hidden clause of consuming. I know you didn’t ask, but people doubt you. Humans aren’t always aware. We are selective. Often clueless. But still powerful nonetheless. All eyes on me.
My next chapter is unprecedented. But I will also be floating in comfort. More knowledge to reach for. As we take over what is rightfully ours. No more babies in suits, and no more hiding the youth. We will be loud, and place our crowns on one another. Though I may feel doubt. I know I’ll never let go of my greed for internal and external peace. The people along the way, who help me float will join for the ride. And together we’ll release the equality out of its chamber. I will do my part, and fulfill freedom.