(7.15.2020) Ignorance Is Not Bliss By Billie Wynn

Cover art by @avivaaaaviva

 The spookiness of being stuck in my head has left.  I feel less lonely. I regret less and I question myself less. I’m constantly surrounded by people. There is no option to be alone. 

I am constantly surrounded by strength and wisdom as well. There is no option to be silent. I am forced to be mindful and I’m less lost in what reality entails. Even though the injustices have been occurring for over 400 years, the recent outbreak of the Black Lives Matter Movement has allowed me to realize the reality we have been living in. However, we shouldn't have to see the news to realize the injustices that have been occurring for so many years. This should’ve happened a long time ago. Why is it that a world-wide shutdown was the only way to activate this outrage in white America? If people weren’t quarantined would we stay silent? 

“Is it fair to say my situation is unfair?” That is a question I was going to ask myself when I was planning to write an article on quarantine. Now I can’t take it seriously. I have been treating my first-world problems as real problems. It shouldn't be true that having my life matter in America has become a privilege but that is the distinction between myself and George Floyd, myself and Breonna Taylor. I am treated like a human and I’m grateful for this. But I am a human so why is it a privilege? I don’t think of sleeping as a privilege because it is part of human nature to fall asleep. So why is it a privilege to walk in a park without being judged and yelled at, or to go outside without getting shot and murdered? Are those the things that black people should be preparing for? Is going outside a risk for them? 

How many times is the boy going to cry wolf until he actually sees a wolf? When will innocent people get to remain people? If the boy cried wolf now I don’t think I would believe him. So why should black people trust and believe the police and the government? Enough is enough. 

“I have never realized…” This phrase that excuses what comes after it. Why are we attempting to excuse ourselves from the problem? We are defending ourselves for something we are guilty of. White Fragility. Don’t we want to get involved? To finally help? I’ve never realized a bunch of the things that I have recently educated myself on, but what about that statement helps anyone? Why is it that I have never realized these things while so many people have no choice but to realize? Maybe talk about what you DO realize. I realize that black people aren’t treated like they matter. That white people are selfish enough to turn that statement towards themselves. Spiritual bypassing the fact that we are the oppressors. Many people are using their ignorance as a tool right now to “stay out of it.” If you claim that you care then you won’t avoid making mistakes. Your fear of saying the wrong thing will be outlawed by your passion to support the BLM movement. It’s okay if you can’t go to a protest but you don’t need to explain yourself. Instead make up for it. Write an article, raise some money, literally just go on instagram and you will find something. I never thought I’d be writing about this but here I am. Try to figure out something new about yourself by attempting the advice people are giving you right now. 

If you are a white person, what was your earliest memory around skin color? I bet it was much later than any person of color. I obviously don’t know this for sure because I am a white person and will never be able to fully relate to black people on the topic of race, however, it just reminds me of how the idea of race is something I have had the privilege of not being forced to think about. I will never fully understand what it is like to be aware of your skin color since you were a baby. But though I will never fully understand, it doesn't mean I shouldn't try to understand. Because of that white privilege that I have, I will attempt to listen, hear, and support what they have to say. 

Many were raised on the wrong beliefs. Sorry to say it, but I believe some beliefs are objectively wrong. It’s the truth. For those who are raised with racist beliefs: What does your religion or spirituality teach about people of color? Do you believe in your religion? Why do you follow the beliefs of something else? Do you trust it? Then why don’t you trust thousands of black people who are being killed, raped and beaten? Are they not trustworthy? Think about these questions and if you are never going to consider the lives of black people as reason enough then I am frightened to be around you. Someone that supports murder, oppression, and inhumane treatment. 

Lastly, from the most amazing article just to add a little perspective. It can be confusing and hard to empathize. “Name a time when you had a problem that took months, maybe years, to solve. What was that problem (for example, work, property, health, or legal problems)? How did you feel about the delay? What did you do to raise attention about what you were unhappy about? Who listened to your grievance? How can you use those feelings of being wronged to understand the issue people of color are protesting?”

***Link used in the article